The last post I talked about my belief…that there are no coincidences, only “God-Incidences”. So I feel the urge to share about the biggest thing God is doing in my life right now and how He is speaking to me. You may not even believe this is true. I would not even post this if I was not standing in complete faith…
I am expecting for the 3rd time in 3 and ½ years; a few months sooner than my plan. I was asking God to let this be the last pregnancy and make it permanent because with 2 children I am at my threshold and with 3 I am over my limit. So I am waiting for my 1st appointment and since the health care I use is at the
In my dream I was having a dream about my friend. Then I woke up and I saw her. She asked me a question and then I said, “I just had a dream that you said the same thing!”
Hopefully you are following me. I had a dream that I had a dream. Ha!
Then the next night, I had another dream and this is what it was about:
I was at my 1st appointment getting an ultrasound. The lady printed out the picture and handed it to me and said you are 17 weeks pregnant. I looked at the picture and there were 2 baby faces side by side that looked just like David (my 11 month old). I was obviously having twins. I then went into another room and a different nurse gave me another ultrasound and said, “You are 14 weeks pregnant and look they are twins!” I said, “The other lady told me I was 17 weeks.” The nurse said, “Well this says you are 14 weeks.” So I said, “That is strange.”
Then I woke up. I immediately remembered all of the smallest details not mentioned here. Usually when I do, I ask God, “What are you saying, is this prophetic?” I said/asked, “Oh my God, am I having twins?” I told my husband about my dream and I was like, “I am not sure if it was from God, but how funny would that be?” So he said, “Honey, you remembered all of those details, I think it is from God. Just a few days ago I had a thought cross my mind, 'What if it is twins?' But I did not think twice about it. I have never had those thoughts before with our other boys.”
I then talked to a friend who is spiritually discerning and asked her to see if God tells her anything about the truth of my dream. She then called me the next day. She said, “I haven’t really prayed much about it but I think something that I don’t want to say for sure.” So I proceeded to drag it out of her and I promised not to hold her in contempt if she was off. (ha!) So she told me as she was going to pray for the pregnancy she said to herself, “Let me pray for the babies.” Then she told me that she has never thought in plural about my other pregnancy. An since that slipped out of her mouth she then asked to the God, “Is it true, twins?” and then felt in her heart, “Yes.”
So I try to dismiss the whole thing. I think, “Yeah right, twins does not run in our families and I am just focusing on it too much.” I cannot get this out of my mind though.
I was dreaming that I was having my original dream about the twins. I then woke up and called my aunt who is not a believer and I told her about my dream. I told her that I was going to have twins and had not been to the Dr. yet but God spoke to me through my dream.
I woke up and I said, “Am I supposed to tell my aunt, Lord? to testify about You being living and active and speaking to me?” I did not feel an urgency to do so then and I waited and kept asking for confirmation. She has previously rejected any conversation regarding God, church or prayer.
So now Friday, I was on my way to an appointment in VA Beach. I have not told my mom about the dream or “twins” yet. So she calls me and asks how Malachi is doing since he was sick. I say, “He has an ear infection.” She said, “Oh he is just like his aunt Destinee, she has one too, tell him that she is his twin.” I say to myself, “Ok God very funny.” Then on the way home I passed a public bus stop that I usually glance at and there is a lady standing there with 2 strollers with twin girls! I do not want to believe this is true and my husband starts laughing and saying, “God is going to keep confirming this until you believe it!” So I get home and I let my son watch a cartoon called Dilbert, first time seeing this one. In the cartoon, Dilbert and his mom went to pick up his friends, twin boys Jeremy & Jeffrey.
Yesterday, we go out to eat at
I will get an ultrasound on my 1st appointment since EVMS has them in all rooms and they usually use it to check heartbeat at all appointments. I will medically confirm the God confirmations then. I will be sure to post the results here. 14 weeks begins May 16th and I expect my appointment to be during that week. Now it’s time to work on my patience…