Praying for Finances in the Name of Jesus

The following is an excerpt from Kenneth Hagin’s Bible Prayer Study Coarse and it was too powerful for me to not put here…

“If you’re praying for money, let me say it again, bind Satan over your finances and command the money to be loosed in the Name of Jesus. You are to command money to be loosed because the money you want or need is here on this earth. God is not a counterfeiter; He’s not going to make money and send it down from heaven. All the money is here in this realm.

God put all the silver and gold (Haggai 2:8), and the cattle upon a thousand hills (Ps 50:10), and the world and the fullness thereof (Ps. 24:1; 89:11; 50:12) on this earth for you and me. He didn’t put it here for the devil and his crowd.

God put it here and then gave Adam dominion over all of it. Then Adam committed high treason and sold out to the devil, and the devil became the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). Actually, Adam had dominion (Gen 1:26-30), but he sold out to Satan and now Satan is the god of this world. The devil is the one who is controlling the finances on this earth.

But, thank God, Jesus came and defeated the devil. Jesus gave us the right to use His Name. If you want deliverance, the Bible tells you how to obtain it. The Lord taught me this.

I was poverty-stricken and my nose was to the grindstone. I began to see this truth, and the Lord told me to never pray for money anymore. In other words, I was not to ask God to give me money. He said that He would not send it from heaven; it is already down here on earth. He said that in the Name of Jesus, I should command the money I need to come to me, because it is already here in this earth.

Jesus said that whatever amount of money I needed or wanted, I should claim. It’s Satan, the god of this world, who is trying to withhold money from us. But God said that He wanted His children to have the best. He said His Word declares “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isa. 1:19). God says in His Word that He would give good gifts (Matt. 7:11; James 1:17).

We need to realize the principles by which God works. He has given us the Name of Jesus to use. The Lord told me He was not the one who was withholding finances from me. He said He wasn’t the one who was withholding finances from me. He said he wouldn’t be the right kind of father if He wanted this for His children. He said that even any sinner who has a heart is concerned about his children. Even an animal is concerned about his offspring.

The Lord said He would be out of step with His whole creation if He wanted less than the best for His children. He said there never was an earthly parent who desired to do more for his children than He did for his children. But He said most of His children wouldn’t cooperate with Him.

God told me to command the devil to take his hands off my finances. You see , God can’t do anything for believers if we don’t cooperate with Him. And we can’t pray for God to do something when we are not doing our part my standing in our place of authority in the earth- in the Name of Jesus.

You see, if we just pray for the Lord to do everything, when God is actually waiting on us to stand in our place of authority with the Name of Jesus, then we are putting all the responsibility on God. That is not where the responsibility is. We have a part to play because through Jesus Christ deliverance has already been obtained for us. Now we are to stand in our authority against the devil and circumstances which do not line up with God’s Word. God will do His part, but we must do our part.

I immediately began to do what the Lord said to do, and from that day to this, I never prayed anymore about money. I just always tell Satan to take his hands off my money, and I claim whatever amount of money I need in the Name of Jesus. You see, when I am standing in my place of authority in that Name, then I am doing my part. (For further study, see Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s minibook How God Taught Me About Prosperity).

Angels Are Ministering Spirits For Believers

Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Angels are ministering spirits that are sent to minister for those who are heirs of salvation. The word “to minister” means to wait on or to serve. I used to think that Hebrews 1 :14 said that the angels would minister to those who were heirs of salvation. That means that angels- ministering spirits – wait on or serve those who are heirs of salvation. If you go into a restaurant, a waitress waits on you and serves you. This is an illustration the Lord once gave me while I was praying in the Spirit.

Actually I had a vision and I saw an angel. I asked the Lord who it was. He related what His Word says about the time He was on earth and some families brought their children to Him to be blessed.

The disciples thought Jesus was tired, so they rebuked the parents. But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16). Then Jesus said that the children’s angels were ever before His Father’s face (Matt. 18:10). He told me that just because you grow up, you don’t lose your angel.

Jesus also said if Christians, those who are heirs of salvation, would learn to read and study the Bible, they could put their angles to work for them according to God’s Word.

Jesus said the angel of the Lord told Philip to go to Gaza (Acts 8:26). And the angel of the Lord appeared to Paul when he was on board a ship (Acts 27:23). The Lordhad been talking to me about prosperity when He told me this.

So, the Lord told me to say, “Ministering spirits, go and cause the money to come in Jesus’ Name.” I’ve been doing this ever since and it has been working because there is authority in the Name of Jesus – authority that the Church has yet to fully utilize!”

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