'soak' in His presence

‘soak’ on September 27th was amazing!! God's presence was felt strongly! It was a time of corporate prayer focusing on salvation of the lost in our community among other things. FLC is getting ready for an outreach event in November, so we are trying to pave the way in prayer! Prayer time was led by Pastor Freddy where the Holy Spirit guided along with Pastor Chris playing the guitar for us throughout the night. Thanks Pastors & a special thank you to Ricky Pollock, Maggie Bain the Mynatt girls (and if I forgot some others I apologize) for taking care of our kiddies in the back! The one thing that people were led to pray over & over was boldness! That was a common theme throughout the entire night...for us to be bold in our faith and sharing Christ with all we come into contact with!!! God is also raising up the men in FLC, there were more men than women at a time of corporate prayer like this for the 1st time! Praise you God for that because we have been praying for the men to become the prayer leaders in FLC! You're awesome FRONTLINE!

I once read somewhere that you can tell how popular a Pastor is by who attends a church picnic but you can tell how popular Jesus is by who attends a prayer meeting. Jesus is pretty popular at FLC! God does answer prayers! If you have any prayer questions, or are not sure how to tackle a prayer issue, then please email prayer@freedomlifechurch.com so we can post the Q & A’s here on the blog! (we will be sure not to include your name if you wish to keep it confidential)

Praise, Petition & Persevere!

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