The Power of Prayer Testimony!

Teresa Crockett submitted the following testimony to the FLC website. Thanks Teresa!!!

"My father was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer about 10 years ago. After many tears and a lot of prayers, my father had surgery and five years later we were having his first five years of remission celebration. That was about five years ago. About two years ago, he was told that his cancer was back but that they did not know where it was so he went through six weeks of radiation. About a month ago, we were told once again that his blood tests indicated that his Cancer had probably returned. After filling out a connect card asking for prayer (i love you all!) i received the news this past Sunday that his bone scan revealed that there was nothing to be seen! Praise God! Now we can go on vacation and enjoy our entire family this month and savour every moment that God has blessed us with! Thank you Lord! You are the Healer and are in control of ALL!. Thank you all for your prayers."

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